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President - François CAZA (305)

Treasurer - Gary BLANKERS (702)

Secretary - Dan WORONKIEWICZ (204)

Director - Judy BAXTER (601)

Director - Renaud MARCOUX (1006)


Building Manager-Corey Balmer












Judy Gural

Bernadine Lauro

Cindy Giancoli

Deborah Andrews

Pat DiDamizio​

Rules and Regulations:

(Parking & Permits, Fines committee, Interviews, Insurance)


Marcel Carrier - Lead

Judy Gural

Bernadine Lauro

Cindy Giancoli

Roberta Gagnon

Building and Technical:


Marcel Carrier - Lead

Jean-Luc Pellerin

François Caza

Website and Records:

(Website, Condo Docs, Files)


Barbara Allen - Lead

François Caza

Mike McInerney

Nicole Rajotte, Neyda Otero




Judy Gural

Gail Powers

Debbie Pusillo

Judy Baxter

Wendy Sweet

Pat DiDamizio

Mary Ann Carlson

Rocky Dorogoff

Roberta Gagnon

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